Ready-and-easy-to-use AI models with high-quality, unlocking cost savings, and improving data analysis and application development for customer demands.

Discover our collection of high-quality AI models capable of processing data in various forms such as text, speech, and images. Get started with a demo here.
- Speech To Text
AI can transcribe speech into text, supporting multiple file types such as mp3, wav, and flac.
Try a demo - Machine Translation
AI can translate between Thai-English and English-Thai on documents.
Try a demo - OCR General Document
AI can read images of documents such as PDF, PNG, and JPG and convert them into text.
Try a demo - OCR Passport
AI technology is capable of scanning and analyzing passport images, extracting relevant information, and converting it into structured data.
Try a demo - OCR Thai ID Card
AI reads ID card images and converts them into Thai-English data.
Try a demo

NT AI Suite offers highly accurate Thai Natural Language Processing and other forms (speech and images) with ready-to-use AI models integrate easily with your applications.

AI Platform for Application Development
Get ready-to-use AI models, choose from our available models, upload your data, and deploy the model.

Easy integration with your application, saving time and costs of both data storage and hiring experts.
See examples of how to use NT AI Connect to develop software or business applications through our various use cases.
Analyze and categorize customer feedback and suggestions based on emotions, using AI that works efficiently with various types of data, including text and speech.
Enhance ERP system with OCR to convert all documents to E-documents, reduce response time with chatbot, and enable comprehensive search for all text, image, and audio files.
Analyze and categorize customer feedback and suggestions based on emotions, using AI that works efficiently with various types of data, including text and speech.
Enhance ERP system with OCR to convert all documents to E-documents, reduce response time with chatbot, and enable comprehensive search for all text, image, and audio files.